Here we are another weekend apon us. I have been rather stressed today - woke up to see very heavy snow outside and me and Mr M couldn't make it to work. We waited at the bus stop...no bus, tried to get a train, and they didn't seem to be running, couldn't drive the car to the main road. So I came back in doors and luckily I checked and could work at home. But boy was I stressed! For some reason I just couldn't relax and felt anxious most of the day, I tend to work my self up into a right old grumpy state when I'm anxious...so the morning here was a little stressful! I don't think my tonsilitus helped either!
But no more feeling sorry for my self, my dear blogging chums, I'm sorry for moaning on, so I won't moan on any more..there is a lot more out in the world to fret over, and a sore throat and snow really isn't worth it!
So , here I am watching a favorite film of mine- Death Becomes her with Goldie Hawn and Meryl Streep..just wonderful, makes me laugh!!
(Plus there may be a bit of crocheting and a cheeky G and T)
Can't be bad can it?
Love Sam xxx
PS Keep Warm!
Hi Sam:
We actually had Laura Ashley stores here for many years (my middle daughter's room is still all "Kate" prints) but they eventually pulled all their North American stores out.
So sad. I'm sure price was an issue even then and that was many years ago.
Still miss her stuff though, it was gorgeous.
How's that beautiful ginger cat of yours?
Knitty, Vintage and Rosy
PS My word verification for the comment was 'PRICE' how crazy is that?
Sounds like a perfect day to me! The snow is ok if you don't have to battle with it or your feeling 100%
Snuggle up and keep warm is my motto.
Lyn xxx
We saw that movie years ago! I'd forgotten all about it. It was a funny one. Not to rub it in, but we're having 60F weather here. It's amazing. People out jogging in shorts at 8am. I've been working so much lately that I'd take to being snowed in quite nicely :) I hope you get to feeling better.
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