Evening Ladies (and gentlemen if there are any!)
I have a confession, yes I'm just a copy cat. I visit your lovely blogs and get blog envy! So what was my plan this weekend...to paint 2 rooms (how ridiculous is that) and finish a round cushion like posies. (Except in a slightlier bodgier rushed way!)
Well got underway with the painting after yet again rushing too much and buying the wrong shade paint AND still painting with it even though I knew the colour was wrong. Then having a massive strop until Mr M bought me a new tin of paint in a much nicer shade rather than the one I bought that resembled the colour of my skin.!
So I now have a nicely painted bathroom in a sort of Mushroom colour with my pictures of little dogs on the walls (I had an idea that there would be a doggy theme in the bathroom)
I have been mulling over a posting that the lovely Thifty Mrs wrote recently about taking a step back from blogging and feeling like you have to have the same things to fit it. Well I feel like that too to some extent... I know what I like, but sometimes I'm overwhelmed by other peoples things , so that I end up feeling that my bits and bobs are not up to scratch. (I mean I'm trying my hardest to turn our 1960s terraced small house into Kate Winslets cottage from the holiday on a very small budget!)
I have always been influenced by other peoples things, I think that comes from being an only child in a way, way back when I used to get bedroom envy from my friends rooms (I has a purple bedroom with larva carpet, and really I wanted a pretty Laura Ashley bedroom!)
So anyway..here we are again, another week to come, with Spring on the way...and I hope you find yourselves well on this Sunday night...
I do love being apart of this blogland , even though I'm running about like a mad women with all my projects - you ladies are just too blooming inspiring xxx
Lots of love Sam and Silkie Sue
I love that round cushion! I want one now! lol glad you got the paint sorted. Although they often get in the way, men can be quite useful sometimes, can't they?! ;)
Gemma x x
That cushion is so sweet!! your blog is so lovely and inspiring...and I think its good sometimes to be jealous...it turns us on,and its good :))))
Have you noticed that I wrote a post about your lovely gift? Doggy is so sweet, just doesn't have the name yet...
Hi sweetie, I know what you mean. I get kitchen envy because some bloggers have such gorgeous ones and I hate mine but there won't be any money to change it for years! And there's loads of painting and stuff I need to do to sort the place out. I don't think anyone posts with the intention of making others feel not "up to scratch", I think we do it to ourselves!
I have nothing really to post about tonight so I'm just having a nose at other people's things. Your cushion is so pretty, I think anyone who can crochet is very clever.
Mel xxx
Your cushion is great
um sorry I don't know what happened to my last comment, I think something a bit mad happened (I did try to put the kettle in the microwave at work on Fri so perhaps I'm losing the plot...) x
I know exactly what you mean re blog envy. I went through a phase of wanting things and then thinking, actually do I REALLY need that Robert's radio, CK thing. Now I buy things I like and do things I like. There are so things I see that I hate and I know that lots of other blogs I read love - for example, I don't like Lloyd Loom furniture, heavy chintz or lots of white painted furniture. I'm also not keen on that Luis XVI/Scandinavian white look. There, I've said it! LOL. You could work with what you've got. My mum has a lovely 1960s bungalow and they have created a slightly retro and very modern look. It looks fabulous! :-)
I love the round cushion btw it looks great! :-)
I get blog envy sometimes, but then I think to myself I've only seen the bit they wanted me to see.
If they put the camera backwards over their shoulder the rest of their house might well look like my place!
That makes me feel so much better....
i know what you mean about seeing others houses but i think its a good thing if it motivates me to get my house clean,decorated and organised lol!
the cushion is so pretty
blogging can be addictive, i am only pretty new to the scene but i feel like i have missed a whole life time of stuff and i just cant stop now. i love seeing how other people live and i guess as i get older my tastes are changing too and i dont feel like i am copying rather gravitating toward like minded people. enjoy your newly painted bathroom and be sure to post a pic.
%*_*% rosey
you aren't a copy cat, you are just inspired by others and there is nothing at all wrong with that. And, I would like to point out that you ADMIT you are inspired by others. :O) I will also point out that I think you are pretty unique, so even if you are inspired, you put your own stamp on what you do. And I don't even know you that well, but I can see you give whatever you make your own twist.
Now I've got that off my chest I am off. Have a lovely start to teh week :O)
Sadie x
Your cushion looks wonderful - I really like the colours you've chosen. I hope you're not going to stop at one!
Jane x
Cute cushion!! I feel the same way about seeing other people's things and wishing your own were better. It drives me crazy sometimes.
I agree with Sadie - you are inspired by what you see and make it your own! There is a popular saying: 'there's no such thing as an original thought' so I don't know if anyone can really lay claim to having an idea first, but we can all adapt it and put our own spin on something. Thank you for your lovely comments! Clare x
Mmmm... the mushroom color sounds lovely! And I LOVE that pillow!
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