Start a rag rug (really want one for my Bathroom) its to stop my self buying the very expensive spotty bathroom mat from she
who shall not be named.....Ca...
Send Easter Swap to Lovely Krafy Gal (Sorry still can't link on this laptop!)
Send Heart Swap to Tip Top
Cover my new secondhand A5 filofax in lovely fabric when it comes from ebay (Hope thats not too much of a naff thing to do)- so I can keep all my notes and projects organised
(I am fixated with filofaxes and journals.. but I never get the right one. The pocket is too small and the personal
size isn't big enough...)
Finish crocheting my bedfellow toy for my chum Miss Agnes
Stop ebaying my life away, lusting after bags on ebay...especially the Mulberry ones that I can't afford.
(But isn't the Roxanne Bag just divine???)
Finish my knitted crochets cushions..
How do you all keep organised ? I would love to know any tips!
One more sleep til friday!!!
Lots of Love Sam xxx
PS - better not to forget to make tea now!!
I have a blog book, to keep myself organised, about what I have blogged about, awards and general blogginess!
Love the view of your table...cute!xxx
That spotty bath mat was in TK Maxx last week for £7.99. To be honest, it's a bit naff really because there's no bottom (like a normal bath mat), it's just a towel really! How she who shall not be named gets away with it I don't know!
Table's looking good!
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Have really enjoyed looking at your blog. Have spotted where you are, not that far away. I have been amazed at how many Somerset based bloggers there are! I too love diaries and notebooks, I seem to have one for each interest. I decided to be more organised this year and am actually using my 2009 diary rather than having lots of blank pages or never looking at it. It took a while to get in to a routine of looking at it on a daily basis but it works now. I find A4 size a good option so I can write all sorts without having to squeeze it in a minute space.
Have a good weekend!
Isabelle x
I don't know how to stay organized. When you find out will you tell me?:)
I know that I appear organized to people who know me, but I do NOT think I am. I think we know ourselves too well and "see" all of our thoughts and to-do lists in our heads and only think we're disorganized. At least that's what I'm going to tell myself. Does that make any sense? :)
Oh, yeah! Stop by my blog to claim your awards!!
Hi Sam & Silkie Sue! Well, I'm not organised at all - although I do love my old, battered filofax (must get a nice new one!). I find I write bits and bobs down on pieces of paper, which end up being thrown away - so now I write everything in one notebook (recipes, blog stuff, websites etc) and it seems to be working for now!
Willow xx
I have a notebook I covered in some favourite pictures out of an interiors mag that I write my bloggy things in.
Thanks for your comment Sue, I feel a bit like you sometimes though, you read lots of interesting posts and can't imagine why anyone would be interested in what I'm doing. But, obviously people are because they always leave such lovely kind comments.
Take care. Nearly at the weekend now.
I have a pretty notebook and each day write a to do list and cross off everything as I do it. It does encourage me to get thing done as I hate 'carrying' items over to the next day. I can be organised for my own good, I'd love to be a bit more laid back....
hellooo Sam, I'm doing some catching up whilst I can, I'm totally unorganised so no help from me I'm afraid, infact maybe if you did the opposite of me then you would be one very efficient being!
ebay is lethal for lusting over bags on (and she who shall not be named)
Love the new spotty oilcloth- bargain! and as for your utterly gorgeous painting by Mr.M.. all I can say is WOW! eat your heart out Gil Elvgren!
ps. thanks for your message x
I am rubbish at being organised. I have stacks of washing up to do and I put all the toys on the floor into a huge black bin bag earlier just to get them out of the way!!! Naughty mummy. I will get them back out again but it has been nice to have a bit of clear floor for once ;)
Mel xxx
I am not very organised so I can’t give you any advice, if you do have any luck please do let me know.
Have a lovely weekend love Lou xxx
I'm a big list writer...things still don't get done but I feel I've tried!
Deb x
God luck with the rag rug! Mine is work in Progress and very little progress going on at the mo LOL.
I've got two spotty red CK mats and love them, they wash really well and really cheer up my bathroom. I've also got the towels to match.
Your tablecloth looks lovely and such a bargain
Thanks Sam! :-) You are correct re pigeon! :-) They are so cute aren't they. I like the hen ones she makes too, but they seem to go so quickly.
Thanks for the lovely comment on my quilt, glad you like it. I am not sure if you have been on the Shabby Chic Cafe or not but that is where I got the tutorial from as a lovely lady Mitmot posted a step by step tutorial on how to make one. Otherwise I wouldn't have had a clue! XX
Ah-ha! Tick off the send to Tip Top cos it has arrived! Not yet peeked but off downstairs to have a good look and to photograph (all in the name of blogging!)
Ta very much!
To keep me organised I have a small chart with the days of the week and time chunks on each day. First things first, in go the times for crafts. An afternoon here, an evening there. Then in goes client work, then garden work, then chores. Always one chunk a week to do letters or shopping lists. Washing up always done before bed. For 30 minutes a day, usually in the morning, I tidy up or put washing on or something vaguely houseworky.
Sounds terribly organised, but I so hated routine a couple of years ago I ended up procrastinating very badly and all I had time for was client work. No housework, no crafts, no garden. Nothing got done. The place was a mess and I was unhappy.
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