I had an idea...to share places where I have found bargins...and bits and bobs that look at bit like Mrs Kidstons bits and bobs and anything else really (cause we all know how pricey her things can be!!) and I wondered if anyone else wanted to join in...
Well to start with - I saw in M&S last week oil cloth shopping spotty bags for 10 squid in pretty pink and green - just like CK's book bags and if I can be soo bold...a bit nicer!!
The cheap oil cloth buy inspired me!
Going to rack my brains now (well the one that I have) for more bargins....
Nighty night!!
Love Sam and a Sleepy Sue xxx
My tip is to buy CK things in John Lewis because instead of having to pay the stupid £5 delivery charge it's free delivery!
Also, Laura Ashley online take pay pal so I tend to sell things and rather than have to pay the paypals fees withdrawing the money, I buy things I need/want from there. :-)
You're not being bold, I've been through the phase you are going through 'Cath love'. I still like some of her stuff, but there is life after Cath! ;-)
What a great idea... count me in. I love CK & have been buying since she started but her prices are so high now. :)
good idea, i'll have a think too. x
I was looking through the Next Summer catalogue the other day and there is a page of great kitchen ware, all polka dots and flowers. There's a set of kitchen tins/canisters which are really lovely - and cheap.
Fab idea. As much as I love CK, I'm not prepared to pay such high prices now along with expensive P + P.
Ooh I have one of those M&S bags.
I like a quick glance around Home Bargain for great CK style table mats and coasters etc. For about £2!
Tk maxx and homesense do fab CK bargains...
Also BHS, do some lovely vintage and retro style stuff....poundland....and B&M's....
Dunhelm Mill...all have lovely floral stuff.....my personal fave is the Laura Ashley sale....and charity shops....:>)))
Ooooh bargains!! Love them!! Everyone's made such great suggestions already. I generally have a good rummage in the supermarket home sections. A few months ago I picked up a gorgeous white cotton double duvet set with gorgeous pintuck detailing - just perfect for layering with a CK style bedspread - for £12.99. Bargain!! Matalan - and even Argos- do some good vintage inspired kitchen and home items, too.
Oh, and there is an award for you over at my blog. :)
Gemma x x
It's me again! Emailed you re the heart swop but not sure if I sent it to the right email address?! Let me know if I need to do it again!
Oh I am so trying to stay away from any shops at the moment-My spending got way out of control last year so I have given myself a stern talking to and just don't go near them! But the one thing I did submit to was the stripy tea towels from Wilkinsons 5 for £2 I read about them on someones blog and just couldn't resist!
I found some great CK things today in TKMaxx !!
Sara x
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