Wow - how nice has the weather been!
I have had a very nice weekend, me and Mr M went to Wells yesterday and sat by the Cathedral in the sunshine...and today I have been pottering about at home - doing as much washing as possible so I can get things dry. Also sat out side sewing together the granny squares that I first made, which I'm going to turn into a cushion. I have also decided to stop my granny fits nicely on my arm chair and I can always add to it later if I want to.
Before I forget, I wanted to say thankyou to you for leaving the bargin idea messages, just today I was flicking through the new Tescos catalogue and they have for sale the prettiest CK inspired Duvet cover for roughly 10-12 squid dep on the size.
Mrs Kidston - you'd better worry!
Only kidding - we all love your stuff...but could you make it just a tad cheaper? Maybe your shops should have a kind of club card you get a voucher for buying so much....what do you think?
Happy Sunday and Mummys Day....Silkie even managed to buy me a card!! ;0) Clever isn't she?
Love Sam xx
PS I think I'm going to have a go at a rag rug - better get ripping up my old fabrics!!!! Byeeee!
A club card would be perfect!
BTW...your home is LOVELY!!!!!
How pretty its is!xxxxx
Sounds like a lovely weekend. Must learn how to crochet, you bloggers are really into it.
Must look in Tesco's....!
Your welcome!xx
I love the looks of your mini granny blanket. It does go nicely there. What a nice home you have. Very pretty :)
What a lovely home you have.... Off to see if you've put any more photos up of different rooms( I'm nosy - ignore me! :-) )
Lovely home, the union jack cushion and your crochet blanket look great on that very comfy looking chair.
I make a bee-line for the home part of the supermarkets when I come back to the UK - they have some really good stuff and not expensive.
Take care.
Thanks for your nice comment on my blog - i wish i could crochet, have tried recently but never got past the long chain stage!
MM xx
Isn't it bliss to sit outside with the sun on your back and just do some crocheting. Great ideas for CK looky likeys, must get hold of a tesco catalogue.
Yay Daniel!!!!
Ooohhhh imagine him hiding behind there! LOL!!
My Mum was so chuffed...sha has been don there afew times, playing! hahahahha..!
bless her!
She lived there 18 yrs....nice when your home can still surprise you!xx
Hi Sam,! I am so sorry I thought I had already sent you an e-mail saying your package arrived from the Vintage Baubles Swap. I loved everything. Thanks you so much and please forgive me for being so old and absent minded. I hope you enjoy the dish cloths. I can send you the pattern if you knit they are very simple to make.
i am super excited about the easter swap too,i have all but made/bought everything for your parcel so you shall be recieving it very soon!
hope you like it?how are you enjoying twilight,i read in one of your posts you were reading it,i got obsessed with the books last year!!they are addictive,i have deliberately not read the last one(as i cant take the idea that i wont have another to read after it lol) or watched the film as i fear it will not live up to the books!!
hope your okay
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