Hello Lovely Bloggers!I received a wonderful blogland surprise today...3 awards! from Fifties Girl and Kraftygal
It made my day!
I can't tell you just how much I love this blogging community we have...
Lots of Love Sam
PS I will pass the awards on ASAP!
Night Night!! xx
P.P.S Sorry for the short post tonight, but the Crocheting Frenzy is taking it out of me.... ;0)
P.P.P.S Could anyone advise me how you link a blog onto this posting? (I'm not very technical!) Thankyou!!
Oh wow well done on those awards!! Three in one day!!
You can link to blogs by clicking the little chain icon above the box where you write your post, then copy and then paste the blog address into the box that appears. Hope that made sense!! lol
Gemma x x
Congrats!! Adding to what Little Knitter Gem suggested, highlight the word you want to be the link before clicking on the chain link icon. Super simple. Good luck crocheting ;)
Well done for getting 3 awards! It took me ages to learn how to do links, but I felt quite pleased with myself when I managed it ... (think I need to get out more ...!!).
Willow x
Well deserved :)
I love the sound of your Living Room :)
Good Luck
Well done you, 3 awards in one day.
Hope you're winning with the crochet.
Take care.
Well done! And enjoy the crochet :)
Mel xxx
As a ginger cat lover, Cath Kidston fan and Greer Garson admirer I think I will add you to my bloglines!
Knitty, Vintage and Rosy
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