and a little bit about me too!

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Oh I want a record player...

and I have no records...I used to, many singles. But I suddenly thought how nice it would be to collect old vinyl...

I found this lovely one on plays cd's and has a radio...

and this one that doesn't play cds..but you can plug a USB cable in..does that mean you can play an ipod in it too?

I'm really not meant for the modern world at all.....

Right I'm off for a hunt on the internet xx

1 comment:

JoJo said...

I need one of those record players that plug into a computer. I still have my turntable from the 80's for my hundreds of LPs and 45s. Can't part with them!

The Red Shoes

The Red Shoes
Cath Kidston is too Much