(Apart from buying a yummy CK bag - thankyou Rob and Lucy!)
I went into CK shop today - and I wasn't gonna go - it was horrid weather, and although I can just about make it...just about in my lunch break...its a bit of a stomp and temptation I can really afford to miss..
well I then walked up to this lady and said..
Hello, hope you don't think this is odd..but I really recognize you...from your...BLOG!!!
and I said it...I never EVER introduce my self to strangers...I wouldn't say boo to a goose normally...
It was Jane from Posy!!
I can remember coming across blogland about 3 years ago when I worked from home for a bit..I discovered this lovely land all shabby chic and pretty that I didn't know existed...such well known blogs such as Posy, and The Vintage Magpie, Posy Gets Cozy...Yvestown...yes the ooober bloggers!
So anyway - we had a little chat...then off I scurried...back to work..hoping I hadn't freaked poor Jane out to much...(I convinced my self that I may have been a bit like Rosie from Jam and Jeruselum...my new favorite programme) worrying that maybe blogland is an secret place where you don't actually ever meet other bloggers....
But thats kinda sad I think....
Have a lovely Monday!
Love Sam xx
PPS Trouble is I want more..:0)
Love the bag, good on you. I'm afraid i'll have to wait untill my birthday for mine.
Are you going to be joining us at the CL fair?
Have a good week
Beki xxx
What a fun thing to happen!
LOVELY bag......yummy!
YAY...come to the fair....I'm going!
Yeah your first blogger meet!
Victoria x
Morning Rosie!!! Hahaha that made me chuckle... I love that too! Lovely new bag, wish I had a CK near my work :(
that bag is fab!
Hee hee, I didn't know anyone else used the term uberbloggers, I always think it but I don't think I've actually said it before! How cool to be recognised! Lovely bag :)
Mel xxx
Lovely bag!!! I had some gift vouchers in July for my Birthday. Have been keeping them for the new collection. Looking forward to going to Bath soon to have a look. How funny to bump into Jane. Sjhe must have been flaterred to be recognised.
Isabelle x
Brilliant story...made me laugh out loud! Great bag too (you can never have too many). Katie x
I was more than flattered - it made my YEAR!!
I'm so glad you did introduce yourself as it was so lovely to meet you. Your bag looks great & I'm so pleased your sweet kitty is on the mend.
Thank you for your kind words too. Hope to meet you again sometime.
Jane x
I love that story about how you met Jane. She could not fail to have been charmed by you.
And I love the bag!
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